Face aux épidémies liées à un virus transmissible par voies aériennes, le masque est un équipement simple dont le rapport efficacité/complexité ou efficacité/coût est incroyablement élevé. En parallèle, le vaccin ARN Messager est, lui, fondée sur une technologie de pointe.
Photos et légendes des National Archives
“Policemen in Seattle, Washington, wearing masks made by the Seattle Chapter of the Red Cross, during the influenza epidemic.”
“Masks for protection against influenza. 1,700 of these masks were distributed by policemen to all police stations, to be used whenever duty calls.”
“Traffic ‘cop’ in New York City wearing gauze mask.”
“Letter carrier in New York City, New York, wearing mask.”
“The admonition of the New York Health Board to wear masks to check the spread of influenza epidemic has been headed: ‘Better ridiculous than dead’ is the view of one official.”
“Spanish Influenza in army hospitals. In the hospital Number 4 at Fort Porter, New York, the epidemic was guarded against so closely that persons of the office force used masks at work. Showing dictation being giving through the masks.”
“Girl clerks in New York at work with masks carefully tied about their faces.”
“New York City conductresses wearing masks.”
“To prevent as much as possible the spread of Spanish Influenza, Cincinnati barbers are wearing masks. Barbers all over the country took this precaution.”
“At the Red Cross Headquarters workers are busily engaged in turning out gauze masks to prevent Spanish Influenza. Soldiers in many army camps are wearing them.”
“Nurses in Boston hospitals equipped to fight influenza.”
“Spanish influenza in army hospitals. Medical and quartermaster corps men in connection with the United States Army Hospital Number 4, Fort Porter, New York wore masks while at work around the hospital.”