Sarah Palin a perdu les élections spéciales pour le poste de représentant pour l’état de l’Alaska (un état qui a un seul représentant comme, le Delaware, le Montana, le North Dakota, le South Dakota, le Vermont et le Wyoming) face à la démocrate Mary Peltola et à la suite du décès de Don Young qui a occupé le fauteuil pendant 49 ans. Et ce malgré le soutien de l’ex-président.
Mary Peltola est élue pour quatre mois jusqu’aux élections de novembre prochain où les candidats pourront à nouveau tenter leur chance. Elle est la première native et première femme à accéder à un tel poste. Elle est également la première démocrate depuis Nick Begich depuis un demi-siècle.

Sarah Palin est devenue une figure nationale en 2008 lorsque John McCain l’avait choisie comme candidate à la Vice-présidence des Etats-Unis. Elle est la seconde femme pour cette fonction après Geraldine Ferraro en 1984. Elle s’inscrit dans la lignée du Tea Party et fait figure de candidate protoTrump. Elle a été élue gouverneur de l’état de l’Alaska en 2006, poste qu’elle a quitté pour aller faire de la télévision, notamment en tant qu’éditorialiste politique sur Fox News.
Cette élection constitue une indication de plus de la phase positive dans laquelle se situent les démocrates. Toutefois, il faut rester circonspect en raison du mode de scrutin à choix classé (ranked voice voting) utilisé dans d’autres élections en particulier à New York ou en Californie (pour comprendre le système, lire l’article Election municipales : quel avenir pour New York ?)
C’est une victoire pour les démocrates largement dominés par les républicains : Gouverneur, les deux chambres, les deux sénateurs.

Les commentaires du magazine d’extrême-droite The Epoch Times ne sont certes pas représentatives de l’état d’esprit des Américains mais il donne une indication des ravages de la désinformation de ces dernières années. Par les critiques, on peut citer celles qui indiquent que Sarah Palin était la seule candidate non-multimillionaire. Etonnant comme argument de la part de ceux qui votent Donald Trump.
On peut les classer en plusieurs catégories
La remise en cause des résultats des élections est un vice qui a été injecté par l’ancien président qui, bien qu’il ait gagné en 2016, a fait référence à trois millions d’électeurs, juste le nombre qu’il lui manquait face à Hillary Clinton, et qui ne reconnait toujours pas sa défaire. C’est maintenant un grand classique qui va être mobilisé à chaque scrutin, essentiellement par les républicains, qui semblent ne plus supporter de perdre une élection.
- Demand a hand count! When you have a candidate leading the polls and loses (surprisingly) with a 48.5⁄51.5 The machine has done a flip.
- Bet the election was the same fraud that happened in the 2020 presidential election
- Vote fraud determines the final results in every election.
- Indicative of what is to come this fall……MASSIVE VOTER FRAUD… No one in their ‘right mind’ would votes DEMONrat if they had all the facts which are never presented by the mainstream media-liberal press…..its all rigged anyone….Dominion Voting system and Smartmatic- we are fools for allowing this and Michael Savage told us this back in the Obama Days. I thought Trump would be able to put an end to it.!!!
- That’s what I’ve been saying. Democrats have only perfected their fraud
- Exactly there will never be another fair election not that any have been fair. Democrats are just getting bolder and more out front with it and the RINOs are right in bed with them.
- Election fraud, yet again!
- There is no way Palin lost that election. Voter fraud is off the charts!
- Voter fraud is still happening. 2020 hasn’t been fixed yet. Our politicians are being “selected” not elected.
- They stole it, they are going to keep stealing elections until people start going to jail.
- I wonder how many Penguins voted???
- DEFINITELY AN AUDIT IS NEEDED! 3%??? Please, any DEMOCRAT/SOCIALIST/MARXIST candidate would have been screaming over that TINY MARGIN. The Machines should be taken apart piece by piece.
- Everything is suspicious these days. Can’t trust this.
- Soros rigged it
- 3% is close and sound very fishy to me. Fraud comes to mind.
- hmmm… 51 / 49. Exactly what the voting machines are programmed to deliver.
- I bet Sarah’s opponent also “magically” got 81 million votes too. There is No way Alaska votes Democrat.
- Fraud rules. Software is controlled by the Globalist.
Remise en cause du mode et des conditions de scrutin alors qu’il a été décidé par un vote dans un état dominé par les républicains.
- This new election process was designed by Democrates to steal a Republican State. Why would you ever have two Republicans or Democrates splitting votes against the one. It makes no sense and if it’s not recalled immediately Democrates in a Republican State will win every election.
- We must each do what we can:
-Work to eliminate electronics at every stage of our elections, from ‘managing’ voter roles, to getting rid of electronic voting machines, and electronic machines
that count vote on paper ballots and Dominion software. These are ALL vulnerable to hacking.
-Work to eliminate ‘mail-in ballots’. All States already had provisions for absentee ballots for those with legitimate reasons they cannot vote in person.
-Volunteer to help oversee the election and/or vote counting at your local polling place. Either officially, or as a member of the public – in whose full view this process is supposed to take place. ONLY the actual marking of the ballots is supposed to be secret.
-Research the candidates. Regardless of party, we need competent people with INTEGRITY in EVERY elected position, from our local area, county, and State – as well as at the federal level.
-Share what you learn about candidates, respectfully, even – especially – with those who disagree with us. If we behave in a polite and respectful manner, ASK others and LISTEN to what they say, then respectfully ASK why they think that, or what led them to that conclusion, always being respectful, we can dispel the idea that people of a certain party are ‘violent’ or ‘cray’, etc.
-Encourage others to vote in
person. Are there people in your area you could help get to the polls?
-UNLESS you know that an incumbent is doing a good job (though no one is perfect) VOTE THEM OUT.
-WRITE IN your favorite candidates, even it their names are printed on the ballot. This forces the votes to
be counted by hand.
Together, we CAN make a difference!
L’insulte de l’opposant démonisé ou qualifié d’ennemi
- Communism preferred over Palin…you got it.
- Why vote for communism to maintain freedom?
- Nothing a demo-communist can do will improve. They only know lying and spending taxpayers’ $$$$$$$$!
- Alaska goes socialist?!?!?!?!?!?!?! What are they out of their minds?!?!?!?
Unfortunately the metro socialists run the cities and stuff the votes! - Yes, communism in action.
- The communist are in control of our government.
- The Marxist, Communists have taken over in Alaska as well. The U.S. is in real trouble!