On se souvient du discours de Nicolas Sarkozy le 14 janvier 2007 dans le cadre de la campagne présidentielle dans lequel il répète à l’envi : « j’ai changé »

De son côté, Donald trump n’a pas changé, c’est l’Amérique. La lecture de la longue interview qu’il avait donnée au magazine Play Boy (The Playboy Interview With Donald Trump) montre combien le candidat d’aujourd’hui a les mêmes idées et les mêmes obsessions alors. La première partie concerne ses affaires à New York et montre que son ego était déjà fantasmagorique et démesuré. Pour rappel, le Taj Mahal et le Trump Shuttle se sont terminées par deux faillites mémorables. L’interview aborde des sujets plus généraux concernant la politique et les Etats-Unis.
You aren’t known for being shy at promotion; let’s start by playing a little game. Trump Tower is…?
The finest residential building anywhere.
The Taj Mahal in Atlantic City is going to be…?
The most spectacular hotel-casino anywhere in the world.
And the Trump Shuttle will be…?
Easily the number-one service to Washington and Boston.
Your apartment sales are…?
The best. Trump Tower and Trump Parc have seventy percent of the top sales in New York per square foot.
How large a role does pure ego play in your deal making and enjoyment of publicity?
Every successful person has a very large ego.
Every successful person? Mother Teresa? Jesus Christ?
Far greater egos than you will ever understand.
Donald Trump a déjà cette idée que les autres ne pensent qu’a l’escroquer ou à escroquer les Etats-Unis. A l’époque c’est le Japon qui a le vent en poupe et qui est considérée comme une menace pour les Etats-Unis, notamment dans le développement des nouvelles technologies. La Chine a pris la place du Japon. Un peu aussi l’Allemagne.
People need ego, whole nations need ego. I think our country needs more ego, because it is being ripped off so badly by our so-called allies; i.e., Japan, West Germany, Saudi Arabia, South Korea, etc. They have literally outegotized this country, because they rule the greatest money machine ever assembled and it’s sitting on our backs. Their products are better because they have so much subsidy. We Americans are laughed at around the world for losing a hundred and fifty billion dollars year after year, for defending wealthy nations for nothing, nations that would be wiped off the face of the earth in about fifteen minutes if it weren’t for us. Our “allies” are making billions screwing us.
Donald Trump défend le principe de law and order de manière très personnelle. Il a passé toute sa vie à contourner les règles et manipuler la justice.
You have taken out full-page ads in several major newspapers that not only concern U.S. foreign trade but call for the death penalty, too. Why?
Because I hate seeing this country go to hell. We’re laughed at by the rest of the world. In order to bring law and order back into our cities, we need the death penalty and authority given back to the police. I got fifteen thousand positive letters on the death-penalty ad. I got ten negative or slightly negative ones.
You believe in an eye for an eye?
When a man or woman cold-bloodedly murders, he or she should pay. It sets an example. Nobody can make the argument that the death penalty isn’t a deterrent. Either it will be brought back swiftly or our society will rot away. It is rotting away.
Déjà, il défendait la force et méprisait ce qu’il considérait la faiblesse et montrait une certaine adminiration pour les régimes dictatoriaux.
You mean firm hand as in China?
When the students poured into Tiananmen Square, the Chinese government almost blew it. Then they were vicious, they were horrible, but they put it down with strength. That shows you the power of strength. Our country is right now perceived as weak … as being spit on by the rest of the world—
Why is Gorbachev not firm enough?
I predict he will be overthrown, because he has shown extraordinary weakness.
Tough on crime… Rappelons que les Etats-Unis sont l’un des pays du monde ayant le plus fort taux d’incarcération
What would President Trump’s position on crime be?
I see the values of this country in the way crime is tolerated, where people are virtually afraid to say “I want the death penalty.” Well, I want it. Where has this country gone when you’re not supposed to put in a grave the son of a bitch who robbed, beat, murdered and threw a ninety-year-old woman off the building? Where has this country gone?
La force militaire avec un retour sur le Japon qui escroque les Etats-Unis.
And how would President Trump handle it?
He would believe very strongly in extreme military strength. He wouldn’t trust anyone. He wouldn’t trust the Russians; he wouldn’t trust our allies; he’d have a huge military arsenal, perfect it, understand it. Part of the problem is that we’re defending some of the wealthiest countries in the world for nothing…. We’re being laughed at around the world, defending Japan…
En avoir ou pas
About your own toughness….
Well, as I said, I study people and in every negotiation, I weigh how tough I should appear. I can be a killer and a nice guy. You have to be everything. You have to be strong. You have to be sweet. You have to be ruthless. And I don’t think any of it can be learned. Either you have it or you don’t. And that is why most kids can get straight A’s in school but fail in life.