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Débat Vice-Présidents : avantage Biden

Cette nuit, dans une petite et charmante ville de l’état du Kentucky (un état dans lequel on dit qu’il y a plus de chevaux que d’habitants), se tenait le débat entre Joe Biden, le Vice-Président en exercice et candidat pour quatre années supplémentaires, et Paul Ryan, le colistier de Mitt Romney. Un débat moins formel mais surtout incisif entre les deux numéros deux portant à la fois sur la politique étrangère et les affaires intérieures. Face à la fougue et à la jeunesse de Paul Ryan, Joe Biden pouvait apporter sur le plateau son expérience.


Private Biden, Reporting for Duty

Like he did many times before, Biden served dutifully, not only in service to his president but to his party and his country. He struck hard at Ryan (with a little too much smirking) over the details of Middle East politics, the realities of economic recovery, the benefits of stimulus, interest group support of Obamacare, tax rates, and abortion coverage under ACA. He refused to let a criticism go unmatched. Any voter who might have asked “Will I be better under another four years of Obama?” Biden showed up tonight to say ‘You betcha!’

In VP debate, Biden seeks to repair damage from Obama’s stumble

When he was talking, Biden dominated the debate and an opponent 27 years his junior. And though Biden is a man with a reputation for making gaffes, his worst moments came when he wasn’t talking but remained under the unblinking gaze of the camera.

Biden and Ryan Quarrel Aggressively in Debate, Offering Contrasts

Within a single minute, Mr. Biden worked in three attacks on his rivals, referring to Mr. Romney’s opposition to the auto industry bailout, his statement that the foreclosure crisis would have to “run its course” and his comment about “47 percent” of Americans who he said were overreliant on government benefits.

“These guys bet against America all the time,” said Mr. Biden, whose temperature was running close to boil for most of the evening.

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